Tuesday, December 06, 2005


so what is existentialism? People who beleive in authority would now condemn my willing of interpreting it myself. fine, let's look at what the authority said. Jean-Paul Satre gave this name existentialism to the world and included the theories of Nietzsche, Kirkegaard, Camus and other philosophers who share the same believe on "existential". This word is still hard to define, according to Satre it means we value the existence of ourself--the human as oppose to god, thusly he concluded existentialism is humanism. but not quite, It would became atheism after his definition. The then said existence preceeds essence. hmm, interesting, but what is it?

Do you have a clue? the people who believe in authority? Since the authority didn't give out a clear view of the "essence of existential", well, I'll then interpret it myself. Many morndern things are like that, you, the audience, have to put your own interpretation in the process of getting to know the thing. For example many arts. I just drew a line, preferably beautifully curved and shaped, then name my piece "existentialism". We if I am ever fortunate enough to be sort of an autority ppl would think in front of this curved and well shaped line:"interesting, I don't understand it, but what is it? He must be a master, which is beyound my ability of interpretation....hmmmm.... I like it." Well, enough. Here's my interpretation: that I think there's not only a single interpretation existentialism. It is concluded as completely subjectivity and value the existence over the meaning of a thing. This computer, why is it here? is god's power? nah, it's just there.

Daoism has some of the similairties as to existentialism. I think this thing, which had been developed for thousands of years has a better system as to existentialism, which is just a new born baby. Daoism has some negative influence as it praises wu wei--- not doing.............well, voila, time is running out. I gotta go, will bullshitting again after today's class.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we just read camus' work

10:45 PM  

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