Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Preparation of the essay

whew, it's gonna be tough. 6-9 pages my good lord! Whenever thinknig about the crazy assignments I've done in beijing I guess, comparatively, it should be an easy case if to write 6-9 pages. I'm getting lazier as I'm in america, the country usually associate with laziness(no offense to american people, it's just generalization, like other steoreotypes). Well, it's the time to plan for the essay and hopefully it will be done in 3 hours.

First of all I need a theme, I've already chosen " social appreciation" as the theme, namely I need to write how other's judgements vare effected on the developement of our literacy history and using some deductive reasoning to elaborate the whole thing. At the end I'll probably say somethingh as to try your best to disregard other's ppl opinion and to build up your confidence by thinknig and achieving your own goal. aight, let's do it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought globalization and culture re-shaping should be a better topic.

6:25 PM  

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