Monday, May 29, 2006

The Crime of doublethink

For those whoever read 1984, they know that doublethink is the word describing "thinking too much that beyond your limite". I'm having a doublethink attack which leads to this insomniac night. Nessum Dorema, Nessum Dorema. Starring at the walls, the ceiling, the poster of van gogh and the world atlas and the strawberry field mosaic, and my tent and all, I really want to get out there and explore the world. I feel a little bit incacerated, by family, by society, by my own failures. They need stability, they granted certain people the priviledge to doublethink by issueing a series of certification. Then the rest of them are merged in a sea of mediorcrity. I want that right. Isn't it cool to think? especially it's a privilege? I need my world, my self, my moral, my view, my sentiment, my emotion, my love, my ego, and my adventurous heart.

Get out there and explore and change the world.

Friday, May 26, 2006

waka waka luna sole

passionate and tired, I am.

coming back to Queens, I sensed many things that has been forgotten since I came to college. There was some "old" feeling filled my mind. Same red brick building. Same locked door. Same upleasant and rotten air which makes you dorwsy. The sky is blue after all. People are far from close to each other. They are sophisticated, or they think they are. They think they know what other people's tricks are, while ommitted the fact that we don't have to play tricks. We can do something great, yes we can. We are trapped in our system that is set up by us, an analogy to we locked ourself with the lock that we made, yet we treasure the lock as our genuine production. O Thou! Yo Man! smile, please.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

le français!

Le français est intéressant d'abord. mais je n'ai pas beaucoup de vocablaire maintenant, plus le INPUT est très bizzare. Je dois finir ma présentaton pour aujourd'hui mais je n'faisais pas bon; je dois présent demain. Le langue est dificile; ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


My friend Shampoo and I once made a movie(Yeah we are moviemakers!)of about 4 minutes in length and very annoyingly abstract. Mais it was some experience and we had probably 2 hours of footage in order to make this movie.